Revolutionizing detox & delivery protocols
During his PhD work in environmental metals chemistry, Dr. Christopher Shade patented analytical technology for mercury speciation analysis. After turning his focus to the human aspects of mercury toxicity and the functioning of the body’s detoxification system, he brought the technology to market with the founding of Quicksilver Scientific. Dr. Shade has since leveraged his exclusive clinical techniques for measuring human mercury exposure in the development of revolutionary liposomal delivery systems for the nutraceutical and wellness market.
Dr. Shade’s deep understanding of mercury as well as glutathione chemistry led to Quicksilver Scientific’s breakthrough system of products designed to support and maximize the natural detoxification system. Dr. Shade’s bundles and protocols are formulated to target specific detoxification pathways for maximum effect and create a powerful “entourage effect” to help the body maintain homeostasis and metabolic balance for optimal health.

The Detoxification System
Detoxification is a natural process inherent to the human body. Over time, our bodies accumulate toxins from our environment, food sources, and “silver” mercury amalgam tooth fillings. And as we accumulate more toxins, we become less effective at detoxifying ourselves.
Efficient detoxification depends on a series of seamless reactions that bind toxins to shuttle molecules and “escort” them out through a series of doors. The glutathione system is the most important of the detoxification systems. Dysfunction of the three-phase detoxification system is the most common and insidious root cause of toxic element and compound accumulation in the body. True health requires that all phases function in balance, or the whole system cannot work properly.
Successful Detoxification
According to Quicksilver Scientific’s CEO & founder, Dr. Christopher Shade, PhD, an expert in mercury research, successful detoxification of mercury and other heavy metals (e.g., lead, cadmium, arsenic) requires three fundamental conditions:
- Fully functioning Phase III detoxification transport system (MRP1&2, OATP)
- Fully functioning Phase II enzyme, Glutathione S-transferase (GTS)
- Adequate intracellular glutathione levels
Quicksilver Scientific’s Therapeutic Detoxification System is the only detox system we are aware of that specifically targets all three detoxification requirements.

Disruptions in Natural Detoxification
Intestinal inflammation inhibits elimination of toxins by causing a strong down-regulation of the body’s natural detoxification pathways. Unfortunately, exposure to pesticides, chemicals and certain toxins, such as the corrosion by-products of dental mercury amalgam (”silver” fillings) contributes to intestinal inflammation.
In addition to inflammation, a build up of metals slows the transport proteins. Data suggests that continuous removal of metals from the intestines is essential for the proper daily functioning of natural detoxification processes. The continuous removal of metals is also critical for any successful practitioner-directed detoxification program.